Alasdair Dawson

Alasdair Dawson

Alasdair leads Steer’s North American business from Sacramento, California and is a member of Steer’s global Executive leadership team.

He is an infrastructure consultant specializing in transportation investments and projects. Currently, He works with California High-Speed Rail, Metropolitan Transportation Commission in the Bay Area, Caltrain and a number of other clients.

Alasdair enjoys working in collaborative teams with clients on commercial, governance, organizational and strategic issues.

Articles and insights by this expert

19 Jul 2024

How a business mindset can help sustain a successful railroad

In the US, more than in any other country, the principle of private enterprise drives the delivery of services and products to consumers.  From retail supermarkets to the provision of entertainment, healthcare and financial services, the discipline of business survival creates a need to understand, innovate, be agile, and above all deliver value on a daily basis for Americans.  

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04 Jun 2024

FRA CID Program: The National Perspective

Discover how the FRA's CID program is revolutionizing US passenger rail.

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14 Sep 2023

How station design at California High-Speed Rail is creating a sustainable future with Meg Cederoth

In this episode, ‘Voices of the Industry’ interviews Meg Cederoth, the Director of Planning and Sustainability at HSR. Join us as Meg explains how HSR’s approach to station design and planning will build both California’s communities and its sustainability agenda.

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11 Sep 2018

Alasdair Dawson joins our team in California

Alasdair joins our U.S. business, transferring from the U.K., where he has been with Steer for the last two and a half years. He is currently involved on the California High-Speed Rail project, helping the Authority review their procurement and delivery approach.

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We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into markets beyond transportation.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.