Nicola Kane

Nicola Kane

Nicola has joined Steer from Transport for Greater Manchester, where she was Head of Strategic Planning, Insight and Innovation. She led the development of Greater Manchester's fourth local transport plan: Greater Manchester Transport Strategy for 2040 and a supporting Five-year Transport Delivery Plan, which formed the basis of the city region's recent £1bn+ City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement. 

She has also led the development of new policy agendas, including the Streets for All Strategy, a new City Centre Transport Strategy, and Greater Manchester's approach to new and shared mobility and transport decarbonisation.

Nicola was responsible for a major market research programme delivered by TfGM's insight team; and a number of EU and InnovateUK funded innovation pilots, such as trials of shared electric cargobikes, EV car clubs, 5G junction technology and eScooters.

She is a member of the Insititute of Transport Studies (University of Leeds) Advisory Board, and previously held roles on the POLIS management committee and Manchester Climate Change Partnership Board. She is also a chartered town planner (MRTPI) and transport planning professional (TPP) and was awarded TPS Transport Planner of the Year in 2017.  

Articles and insights by this expert

01 Jul 2024

Sustainable cities: Manchester’s LAEP journey

Steer Director Nicola Kane is joined by Mark Atherton, Director of Environment at Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and Shivali Mathur of Amberside Advisors.  

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