Another successful year for Go Glendale

In November 2015, Steer Davies Gleave marked the completion of its second year managing Go Glendale, the transportation management association (TMA) for Glendale, CA.

During our first year, SDG relaunched the organization with a new brand and website, boosted membership and became involved in the City’s Pedestrian Safety taskforce, the Chamber’s Transportation Subcommittee.

After a member survey and strategic planning process, we provided members with a set of new services, including a quarterly e-newsletter, site-specific transit maps and workshops targeted to commuters and employee transportation coordinators.

Now after our second year, we have almost doubled our member companies and continue to engage with the City and local business and advocacy organizations. With three new residential building members, we look forward to providing a set of resident-based travel demand management services in 2016, encouraging the use of sustainable commute modes for both commute and errand/recreational trips. 

Go Glendale also acts as the project manager for a grant-funded collaboration between the cities of Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, called Go Verdugo. Set to launch in January 2016, Go Verdugo will offer commuters in this tri-city region an online multimodal trip planner, access to transit subsidies for new riders, transportation alerts, and an opportunity to engage with their employers on commute programs and events. In preparation for the system launch, we recently held a series of workshops for employers and property managers.

For more information on these projects, visit and

Go Glendale

A Bike to Work Day table, offering refreshments and goodies to people who bicycled to work

Look back at our first year managing Go Glendale


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