Bringing ‘fresh and compelling’ ideas to Ann Arbor’s Transit Master Plan

Steer Davies Gleave is delighted to have been commissioned by Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (TheRide) to develop a Transit Master Plan for Washtenaw County, Michigan. This project is being led by our office in Boston and will involve staff from many of our offices around the world.'

Their creative response to Washtenaw County's current transit situation was fresh and compelling,' said Michael Ford, CEO of TheRide. 'SDG's experience and technical knowledge, combined with their enthusiasm and commitment to producing a plan that can be easily understood by the entire community made them the perfect choice.'

The Transit Master Plan will identify ways that improving public transport can contribute to the realisation of objectives in other spheres such as health, the environment and the economy and provide direction for public transportation in the County for the next thirty years.

'Public transportation is critical to our quality of life and economic well being, by creating a Transit Master Plan for Washtenaw County, TheRide will help to ensure that our region remains an attractive place to live, work and play ' both now and into the future' said Michael Ford.

The plan development process, which began in June and run until February 2011, will be underpinned by a large program of consultation activities.' The Transit Master Plan will also take into consideration previously developed land-use and transport plans from local governments throughout Washtenaw County.

'This planning process is part of an on-going cycle of continuous improvement that TheRide is committed to,' said TheRide's Transit Master Plan Project Coordinator Michael Benham. 'This plan will be a living, breathing document that will be monitored and adjusted as necessary to ensure that it continues to represent the vision of the community and delivers real benefits.'

Note to Editors

1.'To help provide up-to-date information about the Transit Master Plan, TheRide has created a separate website for the initiative ' ' where the public will be able to learn about upcoming meetings, take a survey or learn about different modes of public transit.


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