Evaluation of EU Common Transport Policy

The European Commission has appointed Steer Davies Gleave to evaluate its Common Transport Policy from 2000 to 2008. The study will contribute to the preparation of a Communication on the future of transport in Europe which the Commission plans to adopt in June 2009.

On winning this exciting appointment, Steer Davies Gleave’s Project Manager Roberta Frisoni said “we will undertake a thorough examination of the main developments in the European transport sector and of European transport policy initiatives in the first decade of the 21st century. We will help to provide a solid foundation for developing future transport planning in the EU”.

The study will also analyse the effects of globalization and of the enlargements of the EU in 2004 and 2007 on the transport sector and on the development of the Common Transport Policy. The study will be completed in April 2009.

The study will consider the following policy areas: market opening; market regulation and enforcement; the planning and financing of trans-European transport networks; logistics, inter- and co-modality; pricing and taxation; safety and security measures; social aspects; level of service quality and user aspects such as passenger rights; environmental sustainability; transport-related energy issues; urban transport; intelligent transport systems and other transport-related research outcomes.

The study will cover the EU and its 27 Member States, three of which will be analysed in more detail in specific country case studies.


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