Forecasting for the High Desert Corridor high-speed rail line

Californians represent a third of visitors to Las Vegas. At present the majority face a lengthy, often congested drive — high-speed rail could offer a fast, reliable and affordable alternative.

The proposed XpressWest high-speed rail line connects Las Vegas with Victorville on the I-15. The 60 mile High Desert Corridor would allow services to run through to Palmdale in Southern California, linking into the planned California High-Speed Rail network, and enabling direct rail access from major population centers across the state.

Steer Davies Gleave is delighted to have been appointed by the High Desert Corridor Joint Powers Authority to develop Investment Grade ridership and revenue forecasts for this proposed high-speed rail line. Our work involves significant primary data collection to understand travel demand and behaviors, as well as engagement with key transportation agencies across California to ensure our work is aligned with the future vision of transportation infrastructure and expected population growth.

High Desert Corridor

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