The future is in their hands - which transportation option will Washtenaw County choose?

TheRide (the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority) is fully engaging with residents to ensure that their new transit master plan reflects – and addresses – the community’s views.

After nearly a year of soliciting public input and working with Steer Davies Gleave, TheRide has come up with three alternative scenarios to vastly improve services for Washtenaw County over the next 30 years, and has been meeting with residents throughout February to get their input on the proposals. Residents will also be able to access the plans and provide input online before TheRide’s board considers the feedback and selects a scenario to be implemented.

The scenarios have been designed to tackle the key needs identified in previous phases of research and outreach programs, such as:

  • Insufficient access to vital lifeline destinations.
  • An increase in highway congestion.
  • Lack of connectivity to support regional economic activity.
  • Increased mobility for an aging population.
  • The limited appeal of public transportation to those who have access to a car.

Each scenario has been developed to try to address those needs. The three scenarios build on each other — from a more basic option aimed at improving the current system to a more advanced plan that involves using transit to help steer ‘smart growth’ in areas that can accommodate it and protect green space.

Lifeline plus

The ‘lifeline plus’ option is the most basic and focuses on improving the existing transit network and access to the system, particularly for seniors and disabled people.

It involves increasing frequencies and operating hours, and providing ‘door-to-door’ service countywide. An investment in bus stop improvements would mean more sheltered stops, more information at stops, and real-time status information at busier stops. The plan also includes expansion of the local circulator service in Chelsea and a new circulator connecting key destinations in downtown Ann Arbor.

Also included in the lifeline plus checklist are five new park and ride lots, a significant expansion of community and employer-led car/vanpool programs, and a network of new bike paths countywide.

Residents in Dexter and Chelsea would see the installation of transit hubs in their downtown areas, which would serve as high quality access points to public transportation – and more. The vision is to have attractive transportation centers which could include retail or other attractions) that become a focal point for the communities rather than just provide transportation.

Accessible county

The ‘accessible county’ plan includes everything listed in the lifeline plan with additional transit hubs in Saline, Manchester, Milan, and Whitmore Lake. The express service currently available for riders in Chelsea and Canton would be expanded to include those cities with the transit hubs, and Dexter and Saline would see local circulators similar to those planned for Chelsea. 

TheRide would also seek to further develop a countywide flex-ride program, which, for a higher fee, picks up individuals at their homes and takes them to a transit stop.

Smart growth

Under the ‘smart growth’ scenario, all components of the previous two plans would be implemented, along with a high-capacity transit system (in the form of bus rapid transit, trams, streetcars, or light rail) which would provide high-frequency service along the busiest corridors. In addition, TheRide would look to partner with planned rail lines. This scenario would focus and stimulate economic development and help the community reap the many benefits of compact land use over urban sprawl. 

Which future Washtenaw County will choose is up to the people to whom it matters most. 


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