Hurontario LRT to bring more transit options to Mississauga and Brampton

Steer Davies Gleave was part of the team appointed to provide Preliminary Design & Engineering (PDE) services for the Hurontario LRT project. We produced 22km at-grade urban style LRT alignment designs and a set of complementary complete street designs to respond to the Corridor Vision to transform the Hurontario corridor into a vibrant, higher density corridor with new developments and neighborhoods focusing on new LRT stops.

Major opportunities for convenient transfer to other transit, including the regional GO Rail network were also addressed.

The commission also included ridership forecasting, development of a full LRT operations plan, detailed traffic impact assessments, a comprehensive business case to support a funding bid, stakeholder engagement and an environmental project report.

Following the PDE work, Steer Davies Gleave has continued to provide support for the project including a Downtown Mississauga Movement Plan, a Land Value Capture assessment of the Hurontario corridor and an update of the business case.

Upon Ontario Government approval of the environmental report, the Hurontario LRT project received full funding of $1.4 billion, and has moved forward to the P3 procurement phase.

Steer Davies Gleave has continued its involvement in the project by providing technical advisory inputs for the City of Mississauga on the Project Specific Output Specification (PSOS), and supporting reference case designs and designs excellence document.


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