Innovative TDM solutions for infrastructure

Large transportation infrastructure projects continue to be developed across the US and Canada despite recent economic hardship and increasing costs. Steer Davies Gleave has realized the value in pairing innovative transportation demand management (TDM) strategies with infrastructure projects to capitalize on investment.

Our resident TDM expert, Lisa Buchanan, outlines two ongoing projects that demonstrate how by using innovative TDM strategies we can capitalize on investment by mitigating against construction-phase travel impacts and promoting long-term behavior change towards more sustainable travel.

Ottawa, Ontario

The City of Ottawa wants to minimize travel disruption caused by the construction of the city’s new light rail transit line. To achieve this, the city has developed a Travel Choices Strategy incorporating both a TDM Plan and a Communications and Outreach Plan. This strategy has been developed to be truly integrated and to be delivered with existing TDM programs, providing a legacy to future initiatives once the transit line is operational.

Steer Davies Gleave developed the strategy based on a comprehensive research and analysis program that included analysis of travel preferences to inform geographically targeted initiatives, and a cost-effectiveness analysis of TDM measures. This research informed the development of a strategy that includes a variety of TDM measures proven to be cost-effective ways to promote sustainable modes of transportation. It also included a detailed communications plan that presents messaging, outreach tools, tactics and media management. Among the measures proposed were improved transit information, an online journey planner, workplace and campus engagement programs, and personalized travel planning for households in selected neighborhoods.

Construction is due to begin in 2013 and early delivery of specific TDM measures has already been initiated by the City, based on Steer Davies Gleave’s final Travel Choices Strategy.

San Diego, California

In a different corner of North America, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) included in its 2050 Regional Transportation Plan the development of corridor-specific TDM plans and TDM plans for construction mitigation. Steer Davies Gleave has been appointed to develop the TDM Plan for the North Coast Corridor (NCC). The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and SANDAG are working to improve mobility, reduce travel times, and relieve congestion along the 27-mile NCC. The corridor is important for commuter, commercial, and recreational travel. Average weekday traffic flows on Interstate 5 are in excess of 200,000 vehicles and this is projected to increase to more than 300,000 vehicles by 2030. The transportation element of the TDM Plan is comprised of three primary focus areas:

  • the Interstate 5 Express Lanes project
  • coastal rail and transit enhancements
  • pedestrian and bicycle access improvements.

The TDM Plan will provide solutions that help manage congestion during construction and act as a foundation for continued travel behavior change once construction is complete. Steer Davies Gleave will shortly commence Phase 1 which comprises extensive market research with employers, schools, commuters, special uses, and other agencies along the corridor. The research will determine motivators to change travel behavior and will assess the existing TDM programs, services, and supportive facilities in the corridor. By fall 2013 we expect to have completed the final NCC TDM Plan.

These initiatives in Ottawa and San Diego have shown that cities and regions are thinking about alternative ways to mitigate against construction impacts and, at the same time, support and promote sustainable modes of travel.


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