Integrating rapid transit into City of Hamilton’s wider plans

Steer Davies Gleave (SDG) has been selected to undertake a major rapid transit project for the City of Hamilton, Ontario. SDG will advance the B-Line LRT scheme to a “maximum state of implementation readiness”, comprising planning, design, engineering and environmental work along with extensive community engagement.

In addition, work on the A-Line will focus on route planning and mode choice as part of the next stage of network development. Funding for the project has been provided by Metrolinx, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area’s Agency whose remit it is to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transport in the region.

SDG’s wide range of experience in planning urban-style rapid transit systems in Europe and North America will be used to move Hamilton’s rapid transit plans forward. The consultancy focuses on Integrated Transit Solutions - using rapid transit as a city-shaping tool as part of a wider urban design and land use planning process.

The 12-month study is a major milestone in the rapid transit planning process for the City. Jill Stephen, City of Hamilton’s Director of Strategic Planning and Rapid Transit said, “Steer Davies Gleave brings a comprehensive set of skills and international experience to Hamilton. We are looking forward to working closely with them and our community to help bring our vision for the City to fruition.”

SDG’s Project Director Alan Jones said, “There is a great opportunity for well-designed rapid transit to support Hamilton’s wider City development objectives, linking people to places. We look forward to working with Hamilton staff, residents and businesses and adding our international experience to the project.”


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