Measuring the impact of EU Structural Funds

The European Commission has chosen a specialist team from transport consultants Steer Davies Gleave to examine the success of transport investments it has financed through its Structural Funds. The study will measure the extent those Funds have improved European economic and social cohesion.

Transport consultancy Steer Davies Gleave will provide a review of how the Structural Funds have been spent and in particular assess the effectiveness of each of the 18 Member States towards delivering tangible benefits. All relevant transport related schemes between 2000 and 2006 will be examined.

A hand picked team of consultants from across Steer Davies Gleave`s European offices will undertake the work and will be led by Francesco Dionori in our Bologna Office. He explained that 'the study will also provide 15 detailed regional case studies covering different transport modes as well as specific case studies on urban transport, regional airports and road safety'.

The project is due to run for 14 months.


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