New logistics and supply chain consultancy services

Leading transport consultancy Steer Davies Gleave with support from Heriot-Watt University is now offering a logistics and supply chain consultancy service.

The new joint venture will offer logistics services to the freight industry as a whole and will be led by freight specialist Alan Somerville from Steer Davies Gleave and the well-known industry expert Professor Alan McKinnon from the Logistics Research Centre at Heriot Watt University.

Traditionally transport advisor Steer Davies Gleave has provided public sector organizations including regional development agencies and county councils with advice on freight transport planning. With the recent appointment of Alan Somerville - a former logistics manager with BOC – and our collaboration with Professor Alan McKinnon and colleagues we can also offer an extremely valuable service to operators.

Launching the collaboration, Alan Somerville from Steer Davies Gleave said, “our partnership offers a unique service to the freight transport industry, we are merging the very best minds from the academic world with hands-on industry experience to provide an exciting set of problem solving skills”.

Given the momentum of the climate change debate, Professor McKinnon also highlighted that “there is a greater need for businesses to consider the impact of their freight operations on the environment and how the concept of Green Logistics could be part of their corporate social responsibility programme”.

Notes to the Editor

  1. Alan Somerville and Professor McKinnon are available for comment.
  2. Under the leadership of Professor Alan McKinnon the Logistics Research Centre at Heriot Watt University has become one of the leading logistics research institutions in the world. It regularly advises governments as well as the freight industry.

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