Steer TDM projects shortlisted for the ACT National Awards 2020

We are pleased to announce that four of our USA-based projects have been shortlisted for the ACT National Awards 2020, which recognize and honor outstanding achievements in the transportation demand management field.

This year the winners will be announced at the ACT Virtual International Conference on August 5.

Find out more about each shortlisted project and how we helped our clients:

The Warner Connects walk audit mobile website
Client: Los Angeles Department of Transportation

Through our management of the Warner Connects TMO, Steer developed a “Walk Audit” mobile tool which allows pedestrians to log strengths and challenges to the road and sidewalk network in real time, helping our team provide up-to-date information to the City of Los Angeles and LA Metro.
This project has been entered into the 'Best Website Launch or Revision' award category.

WSDOT Small Business Transit Subsidy
Client: King County Department of Transportation

Our team created a strategic work plan and helped to facilitate a program that attracts and engages with small businesses and non-profits (under 100 employees) in the Seattle area who are not currently signed onto an employer transit program.
This project has been entered into the ‘Commuting Options Award - Public Transit’ award category.

Client: City of Santa Monica

Steer helped to develop and launch the GoSaMo TMO in the City of Santa Monica in 2016 and has managed the organization since its inception. Last year, among the 76 employers to whom the TMO provided repeat assistance, the sustainable (non-drive alone) mode share increased from 37%-40%.
This project has been entered into the ‘Outstanding TMA’ category.

SCAG TDM Strategic Plan
Client: Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

Steer worked with SCAG to develop a Strategic Plan for TDM delivery across the six-county Southern California region. The Plan included a review of existing conditions, the development of a TDM toolkit, and recommendations for SCAG and its partners to increase TDM programming and improve metrics collection across the region.
This project has been entered into the ‘Excellence in Planning’ category.

Four members of the Steer team will also be speaking on panels at the ACT Virtual International Conference:

  • Geoff England from our Vancouver office who will share his experience of delivering TDM programs to small businesses on the ‘Small business TDM: Expand your reach’ panel;
  • Rachel Forseth from our San Diego office who will be exploring how to create a successful microtransit service in the ‘Microtransit: Making it work through collaboration, technology and commuter needs’ panel;
  • Puja Thomas-Patel from our Los Angeles office who will discuss the challenges of losing TMO funding and how to tackle it in the ‘What to do when TMO funding runs out’ panel; and
  • Julia Wean from our Los Angeles office who will be chairing the TMA Council meeting.

You can find out more about the conference and register to attend on the ACT Virtual International Conference website.


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