Yuba City Mobility Hub Pop-Up showcases future of regional transportation

We’re pleased to highlight our recent Mobility Hub Pop-Up event in Yuba City last June 20! This demo day offered the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board and local community members a glimpse into the future of integrated transportation in the region. It provided SACOG board members and community members with a hands-on experience of how mobility hubs can promote sustainable and integrated transportation for all.

Jill Gayaldo
SACOG board member and City of Rocklin Vice-Mayor Jill Gayaldo showing off her envisioned mobility hub during an activity at the pop-up. 


The event notably showcased how these hubs can transform transportation by seamlessly integrating transit, biking, walking and shared mobility options. This is a significant step toward advancing sustainable travel and supporting goals related to equity, climate resiliency, public health, and enhanced mobility.

We extend our gratitude to our local partners, AIM and WRT, for their invaluable support throughout the project. A special thanks to AIM for taking the lead in organizing the event.

For more details on the event, please see the feature in SACOG’s newsletter titled, "Mobility Hubs in Action: Innovative Transportation Experience in Yuba City,": Mobility Hubs in Action: Innovative Transportation Experience in Yuba City | All News | SACOG

About Steer's Involvement

Steer is proud to have been commissioned by SACOG to develop its first Regional Mobility Hub Design Guidance. Our project aims to leverage mobility hubs to address racial inequities, enhance access to economic opportunity through transportation investment and contribute to creating vibrant places across the region by revitalizing older commercial and retail corridors. Our project will also see us help historically underinvested communities across the six-county area by creating links between urban centres, the suburbs and often-neglected rural and agricultural communities.

Explore more about Steer’s New Mobility work and how we can assist your community in creating mobility hubs in your region.


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