Promoting cycling in Bogotá

Steer Davies Gleave’s office in Colombia is helping the transport authority of Bogotá to develop a strategy to increase bicycle ridership in the city and to design a bike sharing scheme. Part of this project includes field-work research with bicycle advocacy groups, given the high profile and public nature of the project.

Steer Davies Gleave de Bogotá

Seen here (above) are members of the Steer Davies Gleave Cycle Design team from Bogotá (Maria Juliana Pereira, Francisco Victoria and David Uniman Cruz) riding at night with 400 other cyclists on the streets of Bogotá, in order to familiarise themselves with the concerns of this important group of stakeholders.

Members of Steer Davies Gleave’s Cycle Design team will be speaking at the CycleCity conference in Birmingham, UK on 25-26 April. If you would like more information on our capabilities on cycle planning and design, please do get in touch.


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