Shaping urban transport plans for Tenerife

Steer Davies Gleave has been commissioned by Granadilla de Abona, a municipality in the south of Tenerife Island, to analyse their existing transport situation and propose measures to improve all modes of transport as well as the management of transport in the city council.

This is an important project for the municipality because it will help to shape urban transport plans in the area for the next 8-10 years. The analysis of the existing situation will be produced by the end of May 2010, with the final report to be ready by the end of July 2010. The proposed new measures will be developed in detail and implemented according to a timescale on completion of the report.

Steer Davies Gleave’s work with Granadilla de Abona is part of PMUS (Sustainable Mobility Transport Plan), a nation-wide policy in Spain to reduce car trips and promote other ‘soft’ modes such as cycling and walking.

Antonio Garcia Pastor from Steer Davies Gleave’s Madrid office said, “This is an important project for Steer Davies Gleave and really consolidates our presence in the Canaries, in which we are now one of the main transport consultancies. This is also an interesting project because it will be one of the first comprehensive PMUS in Tenerife and we believe will make a really positive impact on mobility within the municipality”.


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