The UK's first ever global HSR Summit

On Wednesday 9th September 2009, the UK’s first ever global summit on high-speed rail will take place. The ‘HSR Summit: Global insights on high-speed rail’, is created and organised by the UK’s leading independent transport advisors, Steer Davies Gleave.

Hosted by Secretary of State for Transport Lord Andrew Adonis, it boasts an impressive list of international speakers and will provide a launch pad for a new high-speed rail group. Steer Davies Gleave has brought together the very best experts on high-speed rail, in what will be the first ever global event of its kind for the UK. Guest speakers and panellists include:

  • Nicholas Owen, BBC correspondent (chair)
  • Yoshiyuki Kasai, Chairman of Central Japan Railway Co.
  • David Azema, Director of Strategy and Finance at SNCF
  • Ignacio Barron, Director of High-speed at UIC (International Union of Railways)
  • Guiseppe Sciarrone, CEO of NTV (Italy's new high-speed rail operating company)
  • Iain Coucher, Chief Executive of Network Rail
  • Sir David Rowlands, Chairman of HS2

The summit will also see the launch of a high-speed rail group. Encompassing cities from across the UK, the group is championing the benefits of inter-city connectivity across the country to drive economic benefit. Senior representatives from Deutsche Bahn, the US Federal Railroad Administration and the Spanish operator RENFE are also expected on the day to share their experiences and insight into high-speed rail. The full programme is available at As Britain considers a new high-speed route, the HSR Summit is timely and of particular interest to those involved in promoting, investing and working in the UK’s high speed rail future. It is expected to be the high-speed rail event of the year.

Notes to the Editor

  1. For the latest information on confirmed speakers and attendees, please visit
  2. The event will take place at King’s Place, the new visual arts and conference venue close to St Pancras International station
  3. Invensys Rail is the headline sponsor of the HSR Summit.
  4. Steer Davies Gleave recently interviewed Sir David Rowlands, Chairman of HS2, tasked with investigating high speed rail options between London and the West Midlands as well as to Scotland. To view the article, visit
  5. Steer Davies Gleave organised the Climate Change Summit 2007, and our consultants regularly speak at Transport, Planning and Financial sector events.

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